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The Friends of St. Mary Burgh Parva and Briston All Saints Churches invite you to the Summer Evening Medley, with proceeds going to the upkeep of St. Mary Church. The event will be held at St. Mary's (the tin church), Burgh Parva, Melton Constable, NR24 2PU, on Saturday 3rd August, 6pm, for a 6.30pm start.

Follow the signs for parking.

The North Norfolk Players will perform scenes and readings from A Midsummer Night's Dream. There will also be live music from the Fen Follies, traditional vocalist Sophie Van der Louw, as well as a local summer history story from times gone by. Bring your own picnic feast, blanket or chairs and prepare for a magical evening! There will be a cask of real ale kindly donated by All Day Brewing of Salle Moor Farm, Reepham. There will also be cakes and hot drinks on sale, all in aid of St. Mary's Church.

Tickets are £5 (under 12s free), pay on the night - cash only on the evening due to very poor Wi-Fi signal.

Advance tickets are available from:

Osokozi Gallery, Holt

Graves Butchers, Briston

Rutlands Butchers, Melton Constable

The Junction Bar, Melton Constable

Summer Evening Medley at the Tin Church Image

Do come along for what promises to be a great evening for all the family.

The North Norfolk Players are a relaxed and friendly group of people who have a lot of fun, drink many cups of tea and work as a team to produce entertaining plays and performances for their audiences. A small annual membership fee of £10.00 is payable to cover expenses when creating productions.

Site by Guy Bartle Creative Media Services

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