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The Play's The Thing: March 2017

'The Weekend' programme cover

'Stop And Run' by Diana Raffle

When Eileen Dodds sent her husband out to get a portion of chips and two pickled eggs, she never suspected he would run off with the shop owner and not be seen for five years - but that's exactly what happened! Thirty years later, Eileen has decided to take her life back into her own hands, and much to the surprise of her daughters, Jackie and Tracy, she has returned from a holiday with Raymond, a blind bingo ball caller, who she intends to marry in a week's time! But is Raymond only after her money? And will Eileen ever find true happiness?

'The Poisoner's Lair' by David Campton

Gabriotto, an apothecary in Renaissance Italy, is visited by three disreputable characters: a court official, his mistress and his wife. They all want poison to dispose of each other, but the apothecary is unwilling to supply the deadly doses. After he is forced to do as they asked, he discovers that he has inadvertently provided them with aphrodisiacs.

'The Last Bread Pudding' by Nick Warburton

The committee of an amateur drama group is meeting to discuss a new play. We notice that, strangely, the presentation of the meeting to us is reflecting the ideas put forward by the committee, making the play a demonstration as well as a discussion of those ideas. A clever and entertaining piece.


Scroll down for photos, cast and crew.

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Stop And Run The Last Bread Pudding
Tracy Dodds: Imogen Bruce Ken Mills: David Bull
Jackie Prentiss: Hazel Randall Denise Boon: Sarah Westlake
Eileen Dodds: Margaret Yarham Fleur Florian: Angie Maddigan
Raymond White: Tony Walsh Jan Cooke: Amy Knight
Kevin Prentiss: Frank Bruce Phyllis Little: Miriam Welch
  Jack Handy: John Standish
Director: Laura Wakefield Tramp: Joan Spall
  Director: Tim Travers
The Poisoner's Lair Production Team
Gabriotto: Glyn Sloman Stage Manager: Derek Welch
Emilia: Val Pinkham ASM: Maria Walsh
Alberto da Brescia: Dominic Pinkham Stage Crew: Amy Knight, Miriam Welch
Violante del Ponte Nero: Laura Wakefield Prompt: Sue Bignell
Gionella da Brescia: Robin Spruce Set Ancillaries: David Moore
Publicity: The Company
Director: Helen Simmons Poster and Programme: James Travers
  Technician: Matt Coomber
  Producer: Hazel Randall
Site by Guy Bartle Creative Media Services

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