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Relative Values: November 1980

By Noël Coward

'Relative Values' programme cover

Nigel Marshwood is to marry the actress Miranda Frayle. No one seems happy about this - especially Moxie, maid to Nigel's mother Felicity.

Moxie reveals that Miranda is her younger sister and she won't stay in what will now be her sister's household. Peter, Felicity's nephew, comes up with an idea to promote Moxie to being his aunt's companion - so that she will no longer be a servant.

Crestwell the butler says that they should pretend that Moxie has inherited a large sum of money. Nigel and Miranda arrive. Miranda does not recognise her own sister who is now elegantly coiffured and dressed. Miranda talks of her childhood in the East End, her abusive father and the fact that her elder sister is an alcoholic.

Moxie is appalled. They were born in Sidcup and had good middle class parents.


Scroll down for photos, cast and crew.

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Cast Backstage
Crestwell, the Butler: John Meikle Producer: Raymond Murton
Alice, the housemaid: June Cooper Set Design: Raymond Murton
Mrs. Dora Moxton (Moxie): Pauline Shewell Set Construction: John Meikle, members of the Players
Felicity, Countess of Marshwood|: Peggy Francis Stage Manager: Ned Seago
Lady Cynthia Hayling: Catherine Gould Assistants: Judie Gould, Eve Turner, Karen Cross
The Hon. Peter Ingleton, Felicity's nephew: John Nash Electrician: John Avery
Admiral Sir John Hayling: David Bentley  
Nigel, Earl of Marshwood: Mike Crowe  
Miranda Frayle: Sandy Roper  
Don Lucas: Raymond Murton  
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